Bedford Well: Meet Rob from Fitness Ventures International
Cue the excitement! We’re going behind the scenes of Bedford Well—a collaboration with local instructors, coaches and fitness entrepreneurs to introduce an entirely new outlook on how community and wellness can cohabitate.
And we’re giving a warm welcome to Rob Newkirk, the Managing Partner and Senior Vice President of Fitness Ventures International, a leading provider of innovative fitness solutions for commercial facilities worldwide. As a pioneer in the industry, Rob is now bringing his passion and years of experience to help shape The Shed—the newest amenity coming soon to Bedford.
As a professional martial artist and a designer of many celebrities’ personal gyms, Rob has a world of experience and knowledge to bring to Bedford. Bedford Well had a long wish list for the community and Rob’s team was up for the challenge. This includes ideas around flexible fitness spaces that can work indoors or out and evolve to meet the changing needs and abilities of residents.
That brings us to one of Rob’s many contributions to The Shed: Gym Rax®. Developed by his very own company, this smart rigging system both maximizes space efficiency and exercise functionality. It’s revolutionized on-the-go wellness with Five Feet to Fitness™ available in Hilton hotel rooms, and now it’s equipping Bedford with the tools we need to support a wide variety of fitness options—from strength and suspension to aerial yoga, HIIT, meditation and more.
“We’re veering away from the traditional for Bedford at The Shed—and we’re looking to create something cutting edge, encouraging a way of working out that’s best for your body through both the strength building and recovery phases.”
Stay tuned to learn more about Rob and all the other inspirational goodness coming to the community as part of Bedford Well. Join the interest list to be the first to know about what’s next for Bedford and be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook to keep up with the good times to come.